Business Counselling

We offer bilingual, one-on-one, confidential business consultations at no charge to any person in our service area. We can assist in assessing and planning a business start-up, restructuring, expansion or relocation. Whether or not you are seeking to access financing from us, we can assist you in the development and execution of your business plan and connect you with the information you need to succeed. GEDC encourages and strengthens the growth of new and existing businesses in our service area through resources, knowledge, and support. Our goal is to help our clients run a successful and efficient business.


Our business advisory services include:

  • Confidential one-on-one consultations

  • Strategic business planning

  • Assessing viability of business ideas

  • Business plan guidance

  • Market research

  • Marketing plans

  • Cashflow projections

  • Financial requirements


Contact for more information.